Sunday 13 July 2014

The right job will come along eventually you just have to keep applying.

People keep telling me that this is the case but what if it doesn’t? What if all the jobs I am applying for (mostly library/museums) are just not right for me and people take one look at my application form (because most people don’t even accept CVs) and think what was she even thinking? She is totally unsuitable for the job. What if the career path that I am wanting to pursue is totally wrong for me?

I am constantly being told to look into book keeping and that I would be really good at it and we all know that you should play to your strengths but are we not also told that we should go for the kind of jobs that we enjoy doing so that we look forward to going to work in the morning? 

As I keep on trying to get through my quarter life crisis (or maybe it’s just a normal nervous breakdown) I am reminded that I’m not alone in this as everybody is insecure and scared even if they are better at hiding it than others. Life is scary as hell, I mean one minute you think you know what you want and the next minute you are graduating and are standing on the precipice of life with no harness or safety rope to help you and the guides that you were trying to follow have long since disappeared. 

It is now quite a long time since I graduated and I still haven’t got very far off that cliff as I am literally and metaphorically speaking scared of heights and just as Augustus Waters said in The Fault In Our Stars “I fear oblivion….I fear it like the proverbial blind man who’s afraid of the dark.” But oblivion is inevitable just as is failure and it’s the mark of a brave person who can pick themselves back up after the have failed. The question is are you brave enough to try in the first place? 

So I’ll carry on applying for jobs even if it comes to nought because all you can really do is try even if you have no idea what you are doing. 

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