Play with cute, fluffy bunnies - Lily and Edgar do not like to be picked up and cuddled but they do love to be stroked…for hours on end and they will even let you cry into their fur sometimes.
Cry - well err duh! No but seriously it actually works. You've heard the saying that 'everyone needs a good cry now and then' well it does actually work as I often feel like I am letting out pent upfeelings and emotions.
Bake- I admit it I'm a stress baker, I mean you should have seen the amount of shortbread in our house after Cleo went missing. On a side note though it did taste delicious
Dance like nobody is watching -turn on MTV or Spotify on full blast and shake what your momma gave ya - although if anyone asks I will deny that is ever happened
Write- it doesn't really matter what; a blog post, poem, shopping list, anything really. Getting your thoughts down on paper (or on a screen) let's you express yourself or channels your thoughts into something creative that might even be quite good
Watch your favourite show - but preferably keep it in the comedy genre, now hit me with some Glee. - note this also applies with films or reading books, nobody can deal with something like The Fault In Our Stars right now
Watch YouTube videos - like this helpful one from Zoella
Go to a place where you have never been before where no one knows your name - get a cup of coffee and relax knowing that you are totally dis attached to everything and everyone…..until you can't find your way home and oh bother I'm lost
On the other hand here are some things that really do not help in times like this:
Getting lost - jetting off by yourself and hiding away to be a social recluse is all well and good until you get lost and have no idea where you are and can't get back and OMG PANIC!
Other people - Even talking to friends can seem overwhelming when I'm in a state of panic. I can start to feel claustrophobic if surrounded by others or even worse I'll start to compare my life to theirs and then feel worse about myself…and yeah it all goes down hill from there.
Phone calls- in the same vain talking to people on the phone really stresses me out. I mean I don't know what to say? Like what exactly are the social niceties or whatever when you are on the phone? When am I supposed to hang up? Are you done talking? Can I say something now? Like what thehell is this? Basically just don't call me I can't handle it
Watching/ reading/listening to sad films/programmes/books/music - I just have too many feelings
Having a nice hot bath - see this previous post
Bunnies- they run away, they stamp their feet, they do cheeky things like chew stuff.
Baking - when things go wrong and your left with a massive mess in the kitchen and can't work out what was wrong and then get shouted out for things not working and……….yup I'm a failure
Dancing - I will fall over and get hurt, then bruises will follow, then I will be limping then I will cry, or maybe the crying comes before this part.
Crying - everyone wants to know why you are crying! Like why can't they just leave you alone to cry in peace. But no people are always asking what's wrong even if they have like never spoken to you before suddenly it is now their business that I am crying.
Watching YouTube videos - why can't I be like them? (This also implies to all other celebrities EVER also literally every other person you know)
Write - getting annoyed when whatever you set out to write doesn't turn out to be exactly like how you wanted it to turn out. This is especially true is the case of shopping lists, I had such high hopes for my shopping list but it's just a list and it doesn't even sound very good, I mean why are bananas and milk next to each other. I mean who even does that!?!
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