Sunday 15 May 2016

My baby is five! that I mean this blog I don't actually have a small child.....

Its crazy to think that come june I will have been writing this blog for five years! Of course its predaccesor '21 Things To Do Before I'm 21' has already surpassed that milestone yet that one was always going to a temporary thing whereas this one has made much more of an impact...on my life anyway.

When I looked back through the archives of posts (because there was no way of knowing what my first post was from memory - my memory is pants) I started to write this whilst on holiday in France. Obviously my anecdotes were too hilarious to keep myself so I had to post them. To this day one of my earliest posts remains the most popular. You could go and read Bees and Pins here if you wanted to.

It was my intention to insert the graph thingy from google analytics in here but to be honest it was rather depressing. My goal was never to build a readership - say that today and everyone will think I'm mad. I mean people only start writing a blog for followers and free stuff now right?

Anyway I'm straying away from the point...what was my point?

I started this blog quite unintentionally as a sort of travel journal/log/diary thing. As I have probably mentioned fruitless times before my memory is so amazingly good that I need to write things down.
Alas as with most things in life this blog kind of spiralled out of control and now I don't even know what is going on anymore.

Despite launching in 2011 the first two years of Dinnie The Pooh were rather slow as I did have to juggle them with uni and all that. However once I gradated and went out into 'the real world' the blog started to pick up and took on a more 'self-help' and 'ranty' tone. First I had 'Fears Of Flying'  , then I told you 'How NOT to do job interviews and there was quite a bit of baking too!

So what have we learnt through this five year excursion?

I've been quite experimental with my baking. In case you wanted to know my Honeybush tea infused macarons are the most popular of my recipes. Read it here.

We've delved into the world of mental health and looked at anxiety, social anxiety and even depression.

I still have no idea what I'm doing with my life and I suck at job interviews.

There's a bit of a poll on my twitter page (@tweedle_dins) in case anyone reading this (is anyone actually reading this?) wanted to go and suggest what I could do to mark my 5th bloggerversay.
Update: the poll is over now and June 26th is a distant memory (I am writing this three days later so yes that statement would be accurate.)

I said way, way, way back at the top of the page that my blog is five in June and at the end of the month at that! so why dear reader am I writing this in May? - Well its my party and I'll blog about it if I want to.

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