Tuesday 15 December 2015

It's my birthday tomorrow

It’s my birthday tomorrow and I’m absolutely terrified. 25; that’s quarter of century. You can except your first wrinkles to appear, you’ve reached your peak bone mass, indeed brain cells will start to die off. It’s all downhill from here. 
Now people are getting engaged and married and having babies because it’s perfectly acceptable to do so at this age. No longer is it a case of ‘they’re much too young.’ 
Yes I’m going to be 25 tomorrow and what have I got to show for it? 
I used to think that I was ambitious and knew what I wanted to do with my life but I have no more of an idea of what to do with myself than I ever did. 
At our university graduation there was a speech that pretty much gave us 'permission to get lost.’ Well I’d quite like some 'permission to be found’ or at least find whatever it is I’m supposed to be looking for: you now the whole purpose, happiness, sense of worth thing. 
Indeed if anything I’m in a more dire strait now than I ever was. I mean where would I be without the whole crippling self doubt, severe social anxiety and worry and stress levels that are off the charts. 
What was it they said about Captain Hook in Peter Pan? Old. Alone. Done For - yup that about sums it up.

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