It's Autumn…I know right? like who would have guessed?.. and the big flavours of the moment are pumpkin, carrot…well anything orange really. Pretty much like the leaves falling from the trees.
Pumpkin is huge at the moment , thanks maybe to the fact that we all buy them to carve for Halloween, you may find pumpkin in a whole host of recipes such as the yummy pumpkin and pancetta spaghetti that I had from Prezzo on Thursday night. Indeed it is not just savoury dishes that are pumpkinfied as over in America pumpkin pie is a staple dessert especially at Thanksgiving. Pumpkins have even filtrated our coffee - Pumpkin Spiced Latte anyone? - on a side note, does anybody actually like these?
Anyway I’m not actually here to talk about Pumpkins but rather their lesser appreciated cousins; the squash and specifically one of the butternut variety. Butternut Squash its delicious roasted or used in soups or risottos a la yesterday’s dinner.
Yet I'm not really much of savoury person so unless I can have it in a sickly sweet and devilishly good form then I'm not interested. Cue the cupcakes.
I will be basing my cupcakes on a Jamie Oliver recipe but true to form I shall be tweaking it along the way.
Presentation has never been my strong point when it comes to baking I mean have you seen me with a piping bag? Yet after a session at the Cake and Bake show in Harrogate with ‘Burlesque Baker’ Charlotte White and a little research via the GBBO I’m hoping for more success this time around.
Whenever I read baking blogs I normally despair at the preamble and will the author to get to to the good bit so sorry for rambling.
First things first: I shall be making little gingerbread biscuits as decorations so for the gingerbread you will need:
150g flour
1tbsp ground ginger
1tbsp mixed spice (optional)
4tbsp golden syrup
3tbsp light brown sugar
50g butter
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 egg beaten.
Sift the flour, mixed spice (if using) and ginger into a bowl a set aside.
In a large saucepan combine the butter, sugar and golden syrup. Heat gently until thoroughly melted. You may need to stir the mixture occasionally.
Stir in the baking powder, this will make the melted mixture ‘fluffy’ and golden in colour. Somewhat like honeycomb you will notice air pockets forming.
Add the wet mixture to your dry ingredients and combine the beaten egg. Leave to cool in the fridge for half an hour.
At this stage the dough is very wet and therefore you should leave it to chill and it will be much easier to work with |
Whilst our biscuits rest a while lets turn our attention to the cupcakes. In his recipe Jamie Oliver uses 400g of butternut squash but with the peel on? Sorry Jamie but I'm going to have to peel mine.
Before peeling my half a squash measured 625g yet after peeling I only got a measly 250g. I am therefore going to have to rewrite the whole thing. Bother.
For the cup cakes you will need:
250g butternut squash
175g sugar
175g flour
87g butter (Jamie uses olive oil but I much prefer to use butter in my cakes)
2 eggs
1tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
Additional ingredients that I added were:
15g crystallised ginger
1tbsp ground ginger
Start by preparing the butternut squash. I peeled mine and roughly chopped it. I then blitzed it with my Bamix (food processor/blender anything will do) If you prefer you can grate yours just like a carrot cake. I had the same intention but mine looks more like mush.
Oh and you might want to preheat the oven at this stage to 180c
Cream your butter and sugar and fold in the butternut squash and finely chopped crystallised ginger.
Add the spices, baking powder and gradually stir in the flour and eggs.
Spoon the mixture into cupcake cases (that are already in a tin obviously) but be careful not overfill them as you will need to get your icing on top. Don't be too stingy with the mix though. Nobody wants a bun that's more cup than cake.
Place in the centre of the oven and bake for approximately 20-25 minutes.
By this this time your gingerbread should be ready.
Knead your mixture for a few minutes before rolling it out and cutting into shapes.
I made butterflies, hearts and bunny rabbits but I might of forgotten about my first batch whilst they were cooking so they got a little bit burnt.
Bake the gingerbread at 180c for 10-15 minutes depending on the size of the biscuits.
The bunnies all came out of the oven stuck together. They are friends now. |
Once all your bakes are sat cooling you can turn your attention to the icing. I’m making a cream cheese buttercream to go with mine but alternatively you could make a lemon icing and drizzle it over or go all out with the ginger them and put some ginger syrup in there.
For the butter cream you will need:
300g icing sugar
100g butter
50g cream cheese
First melt the butter in the microwave for about 30 seconds. Pour the butter into your icing sugar gradually stirring continuously. I often make the mistake of adding the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and then it never thickens .
Stir in the cream cheese. The buttercream should be a thick liquid. I think that the main reason why my piping work has always been unsuccessful is that the icing was the wrong consistency.
Choose your nozzle and snip off the end of the bag so that the nozzle peeks through. I like to put my piping bag over a pint glass as it holds it in place as you add the icing and its a good spot for holding the bag when not in use.
I used a large star nozzle and tried three different ways of piping
The first technique used was starting in the middle and moving outwards thus creating a rose.
Second I tried creating a kind of hedgehog effect by creating a series of dots. Pressing the bag down and immediately lifting back up again.
The final piping method that I used (my favourite of the three) was starting form the outside and working inwards, pulling upwards when you get to the centre thus creating a peak.
If you look from the top line going left to right you will see the different effect the techniques had. 1 and 4 use method 2, 5, 6 and 7 method 1 and you may be able to guess method 3 is 2 and 3.
Place your gingerbread onto of the cakes to present. Sadly as my butterflies were too burnt to salvage so i had to opt for the hearts to adorn the cupcake, they are a little on the big side though which detracts from the piping (that I totally nailed)
You don't want to store the cupcake with the biscuit and the gingerbread will soften.