The whole point of our vaccences en France was to go to Nicole's 50th on the Friday. We therefore had conversing in 3 languages to look forward to (French German and English BTW trust me it gets incredibly confusing as people tend to skip between the three and I'm just stood there looking lost.)
In preparation for the main event it was decided that we were to host a BBQ the day before. The french are notorious at time keeping and it was therefore not much of a surprise when no one turned up at the allotted time of 2pm. Then 3pm came and went and there still wasn't any sign of movement. It was then that we received a text saying that they would be there a 4. A few minutes later this was changed to 5. Oh well what can you do but wait.
The day of the party was also the day of the market in St Savin, I felt like there had been a distinct lack of pain au chocolat on the menu all week so the mother and I arose early and went to find the boulangerie. Pain au Chocolats were swiftly wiped from my mind (well ok lets admit it they are never not on my mind but they momentarily left the forefront) as we looked round the market and squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee theres a hat store.
I love me some hats but like all the shops in England well the shops on the high street anyway, sell hats that are 'one size fits all'. Well one size does not fit all as I have me one big head. Don't know whats its filled with tbh, probably its just a huge chasm with the odd spider web.
I was now the proud owner pf a newly purchased fedora yet mummy dearest was already making bets as to how long it would take for me to lose said hat...well great.
The arrival back at the house marked the start of our problems as it turned out that we had no water. Bugger indeed. After a few panicked phone calls we learnt that the mains had been switched off due to a pipe being fixed somewhere meaning that we would have no water till the afternoon... Wahey!
We therefore had a genius mechanism where we used water from the pool to flush the loo. Well I don't think I could have held it in for 6 hours.
The party was set to start at 5 but we thought we'd be fashionably late. But the place was pretty much deserted and in true french style the rest of the party did not arrive till gone 8 o'clock and food was not served till 10. I was not amused. We left the party early with promises that we would come back and visit soon we retired with a 16 hour journey ( yes one six you read that right) to look forward to the next day. I just can't wait.
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